rubber pasta: day 5

You know it's a recipe you haven't mastered when your brother calls it rubber. That's what my friend Charlotte's brother Sam said today. We had wanted to make pasta, so we turned on our computers, connected to a video call and choose a new pasta recipe.  I have a pasta machine, but Charlotte doesn't so she had to cut all the pasta pieces individually. Another hurdle was she had to use gluten-free flour, so the texture was odd. She says it was mushy and fell apart when she touched it. 
 I also tried it, and let's just say it didn't end up perfectly.
It ended up all odd-shaped and a little eggy. This is ironic because we chose the recipe to save eggs. This one used two eggs, to the other recipe's 6.  
That being said, it was fun to have a virtual cooking class, and although I might not use that recipe again, at least we only used two eggs. 
I also made sauce, which was good and made it seem a little better!. 

Natalie and Charlotte


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